Welcome to the Ottawa Coed Recreational Soccer League website.

Welcome to the Winter 2024 season.

The cost for Winter 2024 is $210 for 12 games starting October 19, 2024. The 7 on 7 games will be played at 7:00 pm, 8:00 pm and 9:00 pm on Saturday evenings (two 25 minute halves per game) at the Coliseum Dome. Players should bring a plain black and plain white jersey to their games. Registration and payment are both required to secure your spot.

To register, please visit register on this website. If you've played before, be sure to login before registering.

You can subscribe to the mailing list to receive email notifications when new seasons are available to register in.

This website contains all of the details about the OCRSL and provides registered players personal schedules and team information. Registered players can access league resources by logging in with their credentials on the top right of the page. To become a registered player, and obtain credentials, refer to the register link in the menu above.

2022 Summer league members


Till the year 1908, soccer balls were made from the inflated stomach tissue of Irish prisoners that had been executed